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Is Hair Loss a Symptom of Depression?

Is Hair Loss a Symptom of Depression?

Hair falls, and new hair grows in place of the lost ones. It is a natural and general process. However, the problem takes place when the growth of new hairs slows down or stops. As men are more prone to the condition, you can consult with your doctor for suitable hair loss treatment for men if you experience loss of hair. He or she may diagnose your condition and rule out the cause. There are a number of causes that can result in causing hair loss. Age, stress, genetic disorder, and medical conditions can be some of the familiar reasons. However, mental health conditions are also identified as the cause of hair loss at times. In this article, we will discuss the relationship between mental health disorders, like depression and anxiety and hair loss.

Mental Health Conditions and Hair Loss

Various things can affect your lifestyle, and lifestyle has a major role in your mental health. Things like diet, stress, alcohol consumption, the place where you live, and even your sleeping behavior affect your mental health.

It can be hard to find the cause of hair loss without a diagnosis. Therefore, it is advisable to reach out to your doctor for a diagnosis to rule out the actual reason responsible for your condition. Once the cause is identified, your doctor may prescribe suitable treatment for the disorder.

Figuring out hair loss because of anxiety is very rare. In addition, it takes place only in serious cases of anxiety. The condition can lead to trichotillomania, a hair-pulling disorder that makes the person pull the hair even without realizing what they are doing.

Depression has become a common mental health condition in people. It makes the hair dry, fragile and causes them to fall. However, people suffering from the condition may not know that their hair loss is linked with depression. Once your doctor rules out the disorder, he or she may prescribe suitable treatment methods. Moreover, you can also ask for effective hair loss treatment for men and women.

Other symptoms of depression may include-

Anti-depressant medications can show hair loss as their aftermath.

If you are suffering from depression and experiencing hair loss, consult with your doctor. He or she may diagnose your condition and help treat your condition.

Stress is again a common cause of hair loss. However, loss of hair because of stress is temporary. It stops hair growth while forcing the hair follicles to remain at the resting stage. As a result, they remain dormant for some specific months before your hair falls. In addition, it is significant to know that once you cope-up with the stress, the cycle of hair growth turns usual. Moreover, the loss of hair also ends.

Can I Grow My Hair Back? 

Hair loss caused by mental health conditions is treatable in most cases. However, stress is the most common reason among all those conditions. It causes your hair to fall for the traumatic period and makes the hair follicles inactive for a specific period of time. Your hair loss may continue if the stress persists. However, once you overcome stress, your hair loss will be improved, and your hair may grow back.

In addition, other factors like medication side effects cannot be defeated. You can consult with your doctor about how you can cope up with your condition. He or she may tell you the best hair loss treatment for men and women, along with the treatments for mental health conditions.

You can seek an online doctor consultation for hair loss. Visit the Daily Chemist web page for any queries. Moreover, you can also request medical guidance from experts.

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